A Quick Look at Some of Today’s Most Effective Diets

The idiot-proof diet is all about calorie shifting. That is, in this diet, you shift your food intake throughout the day instead of eating just 3 meals a day. The diet is popular because it’s actually very easy to follow and there are hardly any restrictions when it comes to the types of food you can eat.

The Idiot-Proof Diet

The idiot-proof diet is all about calorie shifting. That is, in this diet, you shift your food intake throughout the day instead of eating just 3 meals a day. The diet is popular because it’s actually very easy to follow and there are hardly any restrictions when it comes to the types of food you can eat.

The ‘calorie shifting’ model takes place because you eat every two and half hours. The theory is that because your body is consuming calories (energy) constantly throughout the day, it’s always in ‘burning calories’ mode instead of the ‘saving calories’ mode.

When you sign up for the diet, you get access to a diet handbook, an 11-day diet-plan and a diet calculator. You get to pick what foods you like to eat so don’t think that you’ll be tarving in this diet!


The NutriSystem way of dieting is all about proper meal planning. People love this diet because it takes away the burden of trying to figure out what to eat during their dieting phase. You see, a lot of people actually get confused as to what they can eat when they want to lose weight. That’s not really surprising because there’s so much information out there and for every yay sayer, there is a nay sayer so it’s really tough to know what to eat.

However, with NurtiSystem, they do all the meal planning and portion controlling for you. You just need to sign up to any of their diet programs (e.g., Women’s Program, Men’s Program, Vegetarian Program, etc.) and order a multi-day (usually for 28 days) diet program.

After you choose your diet program, a menu is presented to you and you simply choose what you want to eat. The meals are then delivered to your doorstep at various intervals during your diet program.

The South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is popular because the name alone conjures bikini-clad bodies! Add to that the fact that it was founded by a cardiologist, Dr. Arthur Agatston, then you have a sort of ‘doctor recommended, doctor approved’ seal on the diet as well.

At first glance, the South Beach Diet looks a lot like the Atkins Diet in the sense that it restricts carbohydrates during the initial phase of the program (there are 3 phases). The first phase (14 days) encourages ‘normal eating’ in the sense that you can pretty much eat whatever you want but you must NOT eat bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, or baked goods. Fruit is also not allowed. No sugar. No alcohol.

The second phase allows you to SLOWLY introduce these items back into your diet but at lesser levels that you consumed them before of course. The third phase is more about general maintenance.

Weight Watchers

Probably one of the longest running diet programs out there is Weight Watchers. It believes in the overall approach where food, exercise, behavior and support are addressed.

Weight Watchers is known for advocating a point system for foods. Using this system, one calculates the calorie intake of the foods he or she eats. The number of points you can have in a day varies depending on your weight. The beauty of the program is that there are no gut-wrenching food restrictions so you never feel deprived of anything. However, the point system teaches you how to balance your meals so that even if you indulge on one food item, you don’t go overboard and consume too much in a day.

Diets And Weight Loss Secrets – 3 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Diet Is Not Working

Do you know diets and weight loss secrets that can really make you lose weight fast? You are really serious about losing weight fast, and it seems like ages now since you embraced your weight loss diet. But it’s not yielding any significant result, and you now find yourself on the brink of frustration. If this is really the case, it is time you sat back and investigated the reasons behind your poor results. Chances are that some of these bad habits have sneaked in and are disrupting your weight loss efforts.

1. Diet Traps

I won’t be surprised if you have fallen for one of these, considering the number of weight loss myths going about without knowing diets and weight loss secrets. One of the most common commercial tactics to appeal to dieters is manufacturing fat-free foods. You will see it on cookie boxes, jars of dressings and jams, and even ice-creams. What you need to realize is that losing weight fast does not involve cutting fat from your diet. What you need, instead, is to cut calories. However, to compensate for the lack of taste, when the fat is omitted, manufacturers load their products with flavored syrups, sugar, salt or starch. So, what you get at the end of the day is empty calories, which is counter-productive to your weight loss efforts.

Another diets and weight loss secrets you should know is that there are other common ‘weight loss’ food categories that people tend to fall for are flavored, fat-free yogurt and fruit juices. Both these may involve high quantities of added sugars, which end up packing you with calories, without making you feel full or satisfied. While 100% fruit juices are a lot healthier, they too contain none of the fiber of whole fruit, and therefore can’t make you feel satisfied. If you want to make a low-fat yogurt a part of your weight loss diet, get one which is also low in added sugar and calories.

2. Eating For Reasons Other Than Hunger

We all do this every now and then, some more than others. The problem is that if you get caught in the ‘comfort food’ trap every time you are feeling stressed or are dealing with loneliness or emotional pressure, it won’t do your weight loss efforts any favors, and you will only end up compounding your guilt. Of course, no one picks up a light salad when they are stressed! Try something different the next time you are really stressed, rather that rushing to your favorite hamburger joint or ice-cream parlor. Exercise is a far more productive way of relieving stress. You don’t have to pump iron in a gym. Simply go out for a walk to a nice place, do yoga, or even a little bit of meditation will help.

3. A Large Dinner

So you stay committed to a strict diet all day long, and anxious to avoid junk snacks and meals, you end up eating a meal or two less during your busy day. The inevitable consequence: a large dinner. However, night-time is the worst time to pack in the calories, and it can completely destroy your weight loss efforts. It is when your body is preparing to sleep and the last thing it needs is excess food. Also, a large dinner can affect the quality of your sleep negatively, and if your body is not well rested, your metabolism slows down. If you are serious about losing weight fast, you should eat frequently during the day (at least 4-5 times) and have a light dinner.

If you can avoid these common pitfalls by understanding diets and weight loss secrets, there is no reason why your weight loss diet won’t be a great success.

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Weight Loss for a Life Change

The first day of a new year is the best time to renew one’s commitment to healthy living with weight loss. You’ve spent the past year focused on working toward your family’s success, or your career success and you’ve gotten busy or distracted from that goal. This could mean you put yourself last on the priority list or not even at all. As a result, you’ve been noticing that you’re in the department store again looking for a larger size pants, tops, dresses, or work clothes that camouflage as much as possible. Often times throughout the past year, you thought to yourself “so what I’ve put on a few pounds.” You may step on the scale to find out that the number you get, combined with your waist measurement, age, and height equal a BMI number (Body Mass Index) that you and your doctors are very disappointed with. So you’ve been trying, since the start of the holiday season to watch what you eat and exercise harder to sweat harder and ache more than you ever have before.

During the early stages of your DIY weight loss process, your skin and hair looks healthier from improved circulation, but the layers of fat on your abdomen, hips, buttocks, and legs are sometimes still there. So you still aren’t satisfied. On one hand, your doctors are noticing improvements in your blood pressure and cholesterol, but you want to look good too. On the other hand, the amount of time that the weight has stayed on has taken its toll on your respiratory ability to handle the work outs every single day. The workouts begin to take their toll on your joints and muscles. This doesn’t mean that your muscles won’t adjust to the workouts with time and efficient effort, but you do have to be careful with your aging joints. So you see this as the perfect opportunity to call upon the efforts and expertise of a weight loss professional at a medical or holistic facility to help you get on the right track in a careful and successful way.

One of the first pieces of information that you will receive will include the fact that effective weight loss for stubborn bodies is achieved by a multifaceted approach. There are several physical internal and external options that accompany therapeutic methods to help curb the behaviors that caused the food mistakes or unhealthy relationship with dieting. Therefore, practicing doctors, licensed dieticians and educated therapists treat patients with their wealth of experience, trail, and practice to create an individualized plan for each patient based on their methodology. They align the practice that will help each man or woman overcome their past hurdles. They work with each patient over several months or an entire year to find the right combination of treatment with medication, exercise routines, nutrition options and therapy supplementation to enact the behavioral change that each person would like to see. The development of healthy habits is critical to weight loss success. It will be those habits that keep the new body throughout the New Year and for the rest of your life.